SAFETY PROFESSIONALS are NO-01 Safety training providers in India Operating from Chennai is an ISO 9001: 2008 accredited institute which had started their service on providing world class training and certification on international and national certification for health and safety professionals in 2014. They provide training on Fire and Safety Course in India and Industrial Safety Course in India.
SAFETY PROFESSIONALS true to its name has produced thousands of professionals in the field of safety.
To keep the students updated in the field of Health and Safety and to be in pace with advancements in the Health and Safety arena, SAFETY PROFESSIONALS have decided to conduct Behaviour Based Safety Training program for the students and prospective professionals.

SAFETY PROFESSIONALS Chennai in association with F.O.B.S a non profit organization who works to create awareness about advancement in the safety field has launched BEHAVIOR BASED SAFETY training from September 2017.
Behaviour Based Safety is a way of managing safety which specifies which behaviour from the employees are required and which are not acceptable.It appreciates the acceptable behaviours and encourage the people to follow it.
SAFETY PROFESSIONALS Chennai provide the range of customized and specially designed Behavioral based safety training , that more suits to industrial needs and to enhance the behavior of the employees.
BBS is not only a pre-requirement while commissioning the project but also a prime tool to enhance the existing safety management system and culture in the organization.
The Behavioral based safety training, will not consist simply an PowerPoint presentations and videos , will be more interactive, which can evolve your employees attitude and perception towards health and safety.
The Behavioral based safety training is designed based on the “site visit” conducted in your workplace by our expert trainers.
SAFETY PROFESSIONALS deliver BEHAVIOUR BASED TRAINING with certified trainers who have more than 25 years of experience in reputed Industries.
SAFETY PROFESSIONALS offers two days training program for the professionals and four days training program for TRAIN THE TRAINER.